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Page 43

  “Perhaps I shall have an additional use for you, Byron. You have proven yourself capable, and I have need of someone who can be trusted to do things that are less than honorable.”

  “As you wish.” Byron would be more than happy to be given a task that was important. The honor would be great, as would the reward. He just had to avoid failure. “What would you have me do?”

  “There is much that I would have you do. And there is much that you will do for me. There are people who must be shadowed, problems that need to be taken care of, and things that must be watched. One thing in particular—a person—who needs to be kept guarded and watched, hidden until the time is right.”

  Byron was filled with questions, curious about this prisoner to be guarded. But his answers would have to wait. Gannon led him from the throne room and through the castle. The entire place was empty and the silence was unsettling.

  Byron wondered at who he would find. Perhaps it would be Darius. But no, the head trainer had just met with Gannon. Byron had seen him leave. It would be odd for Darius to have been imprisoned so quickly. His sudden disappearance would look suspicious.

  Byron did not have long to wonder, however, as Gannon stopped outside of a closed room. They were not in the dungeons, which Byron found odd. But even though they were not in the dungeons, they had walked past a pair of guards, and down the hall, Byron could see another pair standing watch. One of the men turned to see who was in the hallway. He saw Gannon and turned his attention back to his duty.

  “They are some of my most trusted guards,” Gannon stated, his voice quiet as though he did not want to be overheard. Byron had to step closer to hear him speak. “They will let no one past save for myself and those with me.”

  “If you have guards, then what am I to do?” Byron asked. He did not wish to be banished to the dead part of the castle to watch over some prisoner already under guard. He disliked being in the castle, and he could feel the dark wrongness of this place.

  “Guards do as they are told, they guard. I need something more. You will oversee our guest and make sure that she is treated well enough and that she is watched.”

  She? Byron was surprised that the prisoner was a female. He would not have thought that Gannon would need to imprison a woman.

  “She will be your responsibility,” Gannon continued, placing his hand on the door to open it, “and you will help me make use of her, or dispose of her, as necessary.”

  Byron’s curiosity was beginning to get the best of him. He leaned forward to peer inside the room as Gannon pushed the door open a mere crack.

  The room was well furnished and looked quite comfortable. There were plush cushions strewn about the floor and a large bed dominated the space. Byron scanned the room, looking for a person, but saw no one. He scanned the room again, thinking that there must be some mistake.

  A movement caught his eye. Someone was lying in the bed, asleep or feigning sleep, but he could make out little more than a lumpy form covered by sheets and blocked by pillows and a wisp of curly blonde hair.

  “Who is it?” Byron whispered, the stillness and the silence of the moment quieting his voice. A look from Gannon told him to remain quiet.

  The sleeping form began to stir. Byron glanced back into the room to watch but Gannon was closing the door. The sleeping woman turned and Byron was just able to make out the face of his new prisoner before the door swung closed and locked with a click. Byron glanced up at Gannon, suddenly afraid of the task being given to him.

  Gannon looked down at Byron with an amused grin. He knew that Byron had seen the captive and he was enjoying his discomfort.

  “I trust that you will be able to handle this task.”

  Byron nodded, though inside he was still afraid. Afraid of the responsibility that had suddenly been forced upon him.

  He glanced back at the door as though he could will her away. But he couldn’t. Whether he liked it or not, he now knew a secret that could plunge Estoria back into chaos. He knew why Gannon was acting so cautiously and why he was worried about establishing his authority and his rule. It was all because of the girl that had suddenly become his responsibility.

  End of Book One


  Alex Hoffman is the eldest of four children and currently lives in Paso Robles, CA with his fiancée Carissa Long and their cat, Peregrine the Gray. He has always loved to read and write, favoring the genres of fantasy and science fiction. When he is not writing or reading, his hobbies include tabletop gaming, hiking, playing video games, and sleeping. The Knight’s Journey series is his first published work, with more to come.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48
